We offers top-notch solutions for consolidation, less than container load and full container load methods for cargo transportation. Our customer service officers provides always up-to-date tracking and tracing service, to ensure all goods can be delivered safely, timely and efficiently.
Air Freight Service

Export & Import Air Services
Our comprehensive service coverage ensures a high level of flexibility to meet your specific requirements. We guarantee timely and cost-effective handling of your shipments so you can focus on on developing your business. ESA Logistics will coordinate your transportation movements in ways that can save you time and money.
Consolidated Air Services

“Door-To-Door” Air Services
As China and Ir/an continue to trade upwards, the company is keen to set up a branch in Tehran to provide customers with more efficient and low-cost logistics solutions, operating in a door-to-door air services.
After being shipped from Chinese manufacturers, the company directly sent it to Ira/nian customers.